
Located in the Historic District of Swansea, Massachusetts, Stevens Treatment Programs provides comprehensive services to adolescent boys who require the safety and consistency of our residential treatment program. Stevens is a private, non-profit corporation. Programs include a Chapter 766-approved Special Education School, a licensed Residential Treatment Center and a campus-based Intensive Treatment Residence. The Transitional Living Program in Fall River, Massachusetts serves up to 8 DCF-involved youth within this community-based group home.

Overview of Programs & Services

Stevens serves adolescent males whose behavioral and emotional needs cannot adequately be met within home and community. Youth served by Stevens require a comprehensive treatment program tailored to address their needs. Our programs provide structured, therapeutic environments that are safe and secure. The Attachment, Regulation and Competence (ARC) trauma-informed model provides the framework for services provided by Stevens. Our trauma-informed, strengths-based approach supports youth by teaching them individualized skills to succeed at home, in school, and in their community; to make positive life choices; and develop healthy, life-long relationships.

Youth We Serve

Males between the ages of 11-22
Adolescents with severe trauma histories
Adolescents with a history of inappropriate use of fire or firesetting
Adolescents with a history of Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB)
•  Adolescents with diverse behavioral and emotional challenges and complex needs

Programs and Services

Specialized, staff-secure, therapeutic residential treatment center and special education school
Specialized, staff-secure, therapeutic campus-based group home
Short-term (45-60 day) campus-based assessment program
Day School for youth who require the structure of our educational environment
Transitional services providing community and home-based interventions and supports

Stevens is approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care.

Stevens is a member of the Massachusetts Association of Approved Private Schools and the Children’s League of Massachusetts.

DESE 2019 Program Review

The Final Report of the Program Quality Assurance staff of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's 2019 Program Review of Stevens' Residential Program has been completed and is now available. The complete Review findings may be viewed at the Department's website at:

http: //www.doe.mass.edu/oases/ps-cpr/reports/

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 Stevens Treatment Programs
 24 Main Street
 Swansea, Massachusetts 02777

 Email: info@stevensprograms.org
 Phone: 508.679.0183
 Fax: 508.679.1950

Non-Discrimination Statement

DESE 2019 Program Review

Bullying Prevention & Intervention

Stevens' Wellness Policy

Stevens' Wellness Policy Assessment